Last Refreshed: 9/28/2024 3:29:42 PM
Last Refreshed: 9/28/2024 3:29:42 PM

It is our responsibility to respect human rights and to conduct our business the right way, every day.

Human Rights at Ahold Delhaize

As part of our Leading Together Strategy, Ahold Delhaize and each of its brands share a set of values and ethical principles that support an ethical culture. Those values are the foundation of our commitment to conduct our business the right way, every day. That includes our commitment to respect the human rights of each of the associates, customers, communities and the people who work throughout the supply chains of Ahold Delhaize and its brands. By stepping up, we aim to contribute to a more equitable society that recognizes and respects human rights. You can read more about our commitment to human rights in Ahold Delhaize's Position on Human Rights.

We have embedded our commitment to human rights within our governance and policy framework. In Ahold Delhaize's Human Rights Report, we explain our approach to due diligence. We focus on six priority salient issues – i) health & safety, ii) compensation, iii) freedom of association, iv) women’s rights, v) forced labor and vi) discrimination & harassment – and another issue the brands consistently prioritize is child labor. We have several programs in place to assess and mitigate adverse impacts and track progress. We recognize the importance of remediation and access to remedy, and we commit to address allegations that human rights are not being properly respected. But there are many challenges still ahead of us. We invite you to engage with us and help us implement the Roadmap on Human Rights.

The next steps on our Roadmap on Human Rights:

Introducing the Position on Human Rights and Human Rights Report 2022 

In June 2022, Ahold Delhaize published its second Human Rights Report, as well as an updated Position on Human Rights, which includes references to additional international standards and more information about our approach to due diligence and how we provide access to remedy. You can find both documents on this page, as well as the inaugural 2020 Human Rights Report, which explains how Ahold Delhaize conducted its global due diligence process and identified its salient issues.

Case studies

You can read more about the practical implementation of our commitment to human rights in the four case studies on this page, as well as in the many case studies included in the 2022 Human Rights Report.